

                FLOODED streets during rainy days even in light rain experiences are very annoying already... in this street, Lias Lambakin Road, Marilao, Bulacan. I believe its the area's life style already. There are three Barangays that are involve or we can say Brgys that claim ownership of the street Brgy Ibayo, Bgry Saog and Brgy Lias. Flood waters only pass thru Lias and Saog but Ibayo is the last area the flood waters goes into before Marilao River. It serves as the basin.

             This year's experience is extraordinary compared to last year records, For just a few minutes of rain this street will be likes this.
I pray to the Lord that Saog and Ibayo Bgy Chairmen will be moved to clean up the side street covered canals from here to the river passing MacArthur Highway. During that day, that highway was unpassable even to trailer trucks.  SM Marilao was not accessible to people.

Situations are not getting better but getting worst. Not only in the local news but in the international news as well, we can hear and see places devastated by floods. These events reminded me of what I read long ago, from a popular book, that the world is not going to be better but it is going to be worst. I believe this is just the start and if it is then the end will be unbelievable. I wonder what is in that ENDing will look like. if this is the kind of world we have now, famine there but floods here, wars there and rumors of war nearby, earthquakes here and there, human behavior has drastically changed. How much more in the end of times, will I survive? Opsss, I don't have to ask me that because I might be gone in those days. It is beyond my thinking what it will be like for my three sons and to my grand children. How about you? Have you given that a time to ponder upon or think about it? I can suggest a few of what to do...

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